- “Lessons from the Bud Light Boycott, One Year Later” with Anna Tuchman and Xinrong Zhu. 2024. Harvard Business Review.
- Media Coverage: NPR Marketplace
- “Browsing the Aisles or Browsing the App? How Online Grocery Shopping is Changing What We Buy” with S. Chintala and N.Yang. 2023. Marketing Science.
- “Frontiers: Spilling the Beans on Political Consumerism: Do Social Media Boycotts and Buycotts Translate to Real Sales Impact?” with A. Tuchman and X.Zhu. 2023. Marketing Science.
- Political Polarization Indices of the Top 301 CPG Brands
- Media Coverage: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, The Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, MSN, CBC Radio, BBC Radio, AFP, Cornell Chronicle, Kellogg Insight, Food Dive
- I wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post about boycotts of businesses remaining in Russia, partially drawing upon this research (additional analysis here).
- “Rejoinder: Spilling more Beans on Political Consumerism: It is More of the Same Tune” with A. Tuchman and X.Zhu. 2023. Marketing Science. (Invited comment).
- “Price Promotions, Beneficiary Framing, and Mental Accounting” with G. Fisher, M. McGranaghan, and K. Wilbur. 2023. Quantitative Marketing and Economics.
- “GMO and non-GMO Labeling Effects: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” with A.Adalja, E.Wang, and X.Zhu. 2022. Marketing Science.
- Media Coverage: NBC News, Politico, Chicago Booth Review, Food Dive, Marion Nestle, Alliance for Science
- “How Viewer Tuning, Presence, and Attention Respond to Ad Content and Predict Brand Search Lift” with M. McGranaghan and K. Wilbur. 2022. Marketing Science.
- Lead Article
- Media Coverage: Hacker News, AdExchanger, Cornell Chronicle, Fast Company, another AdExchanger article, MSI at the ARF, MSI Webinar
- “Background Noise? TV Advertising Affects Real Time Investor Behavior” with A. Zaldokas. 2022. Management Science.
- Media Coverage: Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog
- “Switching Costs and Store Choice” with T. Richards. 2022. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- “Authentically Cornell: The Evolution of Marketing at Cornell” with M. Thomas, H. Chun, S. Gupta, S. Shu, and K. Woolley. 2022. Customer Needs and Solutions.
- “Price Fairness and Strategic Obfuscation” with W. Allender, S. Nasser, and T. Richards. 2021. Marketing Science.
- “Lead Offer Spillovers” with M. McGranaghan, G. Fisher, and K. Wilbur. 2019. Marketing Science.
- “Absence Labels: How does Information about Production Practices Impact Consumer Demand.” with N. Streletskaya and H. Kaiser. 2019. PLoS ONE.
- “Pricing Strategies of Food Retailers.” with S. Hamilton and T. Richards. 2020. Annual Review of Resource Economics.
- “Push-Me, Pull-You: Comparative Advertising in the OTC Analgesics Industry” with Simon Anderson, Federico Ciliberto, and Regis Renault. 2016. The RAND Journal of Economics.
- “Socially Responsible Labels: What Motivates Consumers to Pay a Premium?” with L. Chiu, M.Gómez, and H. M. Kaiser. 2016. Applied Economics.
- “Personalized Pricing and Price Fairness” with T. Richards and N. Streletskaya. 2016. International Journal of Industrial Organization.
- “TV Ads and Online Shopping” with Thales Teixeira and Kenneth C. Wilbur. 2015. Marketing Science.
- Winner, Don Morrison Long Term Impact Award (for a significant long-run impact on the field of Marketing in the past 5-10 years)
- Finalist x 3, Don Morrison Long Term Impact Award (for a significant long-run impact on the field of Marketing in the past 5-10 years)
- Finalist, John D.C. Little Award (for the Best Marketing Paper Published in Marketing Science or Management Science).
- “Noisy Information Signals and Endogenous Preferences for Labeled Attributes” with Nadia Streletskaya and Harry Kaiser. 2015. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- “Under-Contribution to Generic Advertising due to Self-Interested Inequity Aversion“. with T. Richards, B. Rickard, and H. Kaiser. 2015. European Review of Agricultural Economics.
- “Long-Term Impact of Positive and Negative Information on Food Demand” with Nadia Streletskaya and Harry Kaiser. 2015. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- “Does Advertising Content Matter? Impacts of Healthy Eating and Anti-Obesity Advertising on Willingness-to-Pay by Consumer Body Mass Index” with T. Wang and H.M. Kaiser. 2016. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.
- “Menu-Labeling Formats and Their Impact on Dietary Quality”. with Nadia Streletskaya, Wansopin Amatyakul, Pimbucha Rusmevichientong and Harry Kaiser. 2015, Agribusiness: An International Journal.
- “Information Content of Advertising: Empirical Evidence from the OTC Analgesics Industry” with Simon P. Anderson and Federico Ciliberto. 2013. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31(5): 355–367.
- “Economic and nutritional implications from changes in U.S. agricultural promotion efforts.” with S. Ho and B. Rickard. 2013. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- “Consumer Response to “Contains” and “Free of” Labeling: Evidence from Lab Experiments” with Harry Kaiser, Nadia Streletskaya, and Bradley Rickard. 2013. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- “Economic and Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetable Advertising: Evidence from Lab Experiments” with Brad Rickard, Harry Kaiser, Abigail Okrent and Tim Richards. 2012. Food Policy. 37(5): 543-553.
- “Consumer Response to Commodity-Specific and Broad-Based Promotion Programs for Fruits and Vegetables” with B. Rickard, H. Kaiser and T. Richards. 2011. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Active Working Papers and Work in Progress:
- “Personalized and Social Commerce“
- “Separating the Artist from the Art: Social Media Boycotts, Platform Sanctions, and Music Consumption” with D. Winkler and N. Wlomert
- “Local Bias in Global Platforms: Evidence from a Cross-Market Merger” with S. Chintala and E.Manzoor
- “The Impact of Social Media on Music Demand: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” with D. Winkler, C. Hotz-Behofsits, N. Wloemert, and D. Papies
- “Adding Ads: The Rise of Ad-Supported Subscription Plans and the Impact on Consumer Behavior and Platform Revenue” with D. McCarthy, J. Kook, and A. Tuchman
- “Consumer Acceptance of CRISPR-Edited Food and Implications for Online Grocery Shopping” with S. Deng and A. Adalja
- “Two Hours or Two Days? Impact of Faster Delivery Service on Online Shopping” with Saleh Zakerinia
- “Firms’ Economic Centrality Dynamics” with A. Zaldokas and A. Ananth